The pack with grownup features sized for kids, the Camelbak Kid’s Mini M.U.L.E. 50 oz carries a full 1.5 liters of water, a bike tool organizer pocket, and zippered compartments for layers and essentials. With adult features this has added kid-friendly features, including reflective strips to keep them visible on and off the trail, and a safety whistle that’s a nice feature when your group spreads out on the trail network. A lightweight ventilated mesh harness keeps this cool and comfortable on smaller shoulders, affording kids the opportunity to take responsibility for their own gear and water. Designed for bike rides, this is also a quick light carry for day hikes where you’re not worried about elevation changes or weather events bringing in a need for additional layers, or you’re willing to heft the pack for the family, while the kids carry their own hydropacks. A minimalist and flexible design, with mesh making it easier and a more comfortable carry, for keeping kids riding with the hydration they need to power on through an afternoon on the trail. Get ready for your trail bug to start charging out ahead of you as they develop their skills and trail style, challenging their abilities, and yours!